Picture if you will, A child of three.
She's frightened and confused,
Not understanding,Why her mother,
Is mistreated and abused.
As time goes by, This same child,
With broken spirit and heart,
Watches as brother is beaten,
Unable to take his part.
She doesn't grow as other girls,
Young years full of laughter
And no cares.
Her days are filled with caution,
While sleep brings nightmares.
He taught her well,
With his violence,
And the words,
"Children are to be
Seen and not heard."
She learned at an early age,
What caused his fuse to ignite,
So she spends her youthful years,
Withdrawn and out of sight.
The violent acts continue,
Followed by the words,
"See what you caused me to do?"
How many times She heard those words,
And believes them to be true.
If guilt is laying about somewhere,
She claims it as her own.
As her young years slip slowly past.
She feels hopelessly alone.
the story continues
© 2000 Jo Riley Dupree